Quick Transport Solutions Inc.
Are You Using a Truck Driver Workflow Solution?

Are You Using a Truck Driver Workflow Solution?

Have you ever asked yourself, what are the needs of a modern fleet? A modern fleet makes use of various types of technological solutions in its day-to-day operations. We have written a lot about how important it is to integrate technology into your operation. Fleet management systems, transport management systems, routing and dispatch tools, and electronic reports are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to technological solutions.

Tools are great, but using multiple platforms creates gaps in visibility with how information is presented and how it is communicated. Fleets must worry about interoperability issues, but they must also worry about how their truck drivers will receive a particular tool. A truck driver who is using a route planning tool, for example, might not have access to notifications from other systems. Constant juggling between different applications, each of which with its own design and setup, creates further openings for potential problems.

Focusing on Truck Driver Workflow

Perhaps what your fleet needs is a comprehensive truck driver workflow application. You need a solution that combines everything your fleet needs into one place. You also don’t want an information overload. It is very easy to opt-in to a piece of technology simply for the sake of doing so. That doesn’t mean you actually need said piece of technology. Focus on one thing at a time, such as truck driver workflow.

As technology improves, and with the coming 5G network capabilities, many trucking companies will find that their current tools simply no longer make the cut or stop working entirely. What does this mean?

That now is the best time to bring your fleet together by upgrading to a modern truck driver workflow solution. You need something that keeps the needs of today’s truck drivers in mind while meeting the demands of your fleet. There are a lot of strains operating in the current socio-economic conditions. How will your operation adapt?

Consider a truck driver workflow upgrade. Consider that an upgrade is only as good as the platform you it is tied to. So, what makes a comprehensive driver workflow platform? Furthermore, how can fleets know they are investing in a best-in-class solution? There are plenty of truck driver workflow solutions out there. Which one do you choose?

A Look at the Requirements

The first thing you need to consider when shopping around for truck driver workflow solutions are the platform requirements. A solution’s dashboard is the first thing a truck driver sees as soon as they hop into the cab and get their day started.

The dashboard needs to deliver key information in as clear a manner as possible. This can include customized messages from the fleet manager, load details, specific routing information, hours of service status, vehicle, and equipment status, and so much more.

One must be cognizant of information overload, however. You want a system that has a clean layout and a customizable interface. These are not just idle considerations. They are important. A truck driver should be able to easily scroll through their dashboard each day to understand their tasks and action items. Not only will this create more efficiencies within your organization, but your truck drivers will be more satisfied operating within the system.

Also consider a customizable interface. Of course, different routes will present different workflow requirements. A short haul driver who drives the same route every day may not need an application that helps them plan stops and rest breaks as much as a long-haul driver on a multi-day trip. Especially if said trip is on unfamiliar roads. In both cases, however, customizability means that you can decide the parameters and profiles to quickly configure the app for each type of truck driver within the organization.

What Are Their Needs?

If you plan on investing in a truck driver workflow solution, consider the needs of your truck drivers. After all, you all will need to use this solution together. Different workflow applications allow for many different configurations, so there should be no excuse for getting it wrong. Let us take a closer look at what you need depending on the type of operation.

  • Long-haul Truck Driver: Consider providing access to weather forecasts, truck-safe navigation, and traffic predictions at each leg of a potential trip. You also want to require additional point of interest information on map to plan stops in unfamiliar areas. Finally, you need to see when and where you may run out of hours of service time.
  • Short-haul Truck Driver: Since short haulers run repeat trips, route planning is not critical. Instead, you want live traffic updates and truck-safe navigation to steer around accidents or other road hazards. Voice-to-text and text-to-speech tools to stay in contact with a fleet manager while on the road is also important.
  • Evergreen Truck Drivers: You will need a “beginner” version of the app dashboard for new truck drivers. This will help prevent “evergreen” operators from being overwhelmed or confused. Make sure you provide training videos and custom forms that the fleet manager and truck driver can use. Creating a task list will help contain more initial to-do items and fewer loads.
  • Experienced Truck Drivers: Make sure your experienced operators have full access to workflow features. They will also want a to-do list that consists of reminders for regular tasks, like updating driver information. Videos can be produced to provide continual education and training.

Above all, you want to be able to tailor the workflow dashboard to specific categories of truck drivers. This allows fleet managers to target the exact needs of different workforce segments. These changes will increase efficiency and result in happy truck drivers who stick around for the – dare we say – long haul.

It’s About Truck Driver Retention

Truck driver retention remains one of the top concerns among trucking companies across the country, and this is supported by research. Just ask the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI). According to their 2019 study, keeping truck drivers on is not only harder than ever, but it takes on even greater importance considering how many aging truck drivers are in the sunset of their careers. Trucking companies must focus on effective retention strategies, and they should look to technological solutions to do so.

Truck driver workflow solutions are inherently designed to improve communication and transparency between truck drivers and fleet managers. Task management is often something fleet managers lament about. Workflow solutions help with this, both in terms of task management and on-the-road messaging.

Fleet managers can set up workflows that allow them a bird’s eye view into what the truck drivers are doing. This could include internal, real-time guidance for specific loads and runs. Your truck drivers will thank you after they gain key knowledge about their load, their route, and other information they need to get the job done and get it done on-time.

There should never be a situation where a truck driver feels they do not have all the information they need. If you must provide additional information to avert a problem, you have already lost. Consider that these occurrences only create more frustration and damage trust between truck drivers, fleet managers, and others within the organization. Adopting a solution should never lead to more frustration.

Consider Integration and Interoperability

It doesn’t matter how sophisticated your workflow solution is because even the most sophisticated driver workflow solutions can’t do everything. They must work in concert with other systems. Therefore, you should find solutions that take an open platform approach towards interoperability with other applications your trucking company uses.

A truck driver workflow solution that integrates with your TMS and ELD will greatly improve communication between fleet managers, truck drivers and in the end, it will enhance the overall transparency of your operations. Your reputation stands to improve from these efforts.

The ideal truck driver workflow solution should have integrated truck-safe navigation and customizable routing features. There is a specific reason why this is important. While other popular map applications are useful, they are largely designed for passenger vehicles. Truck drivers have unique challenges and face different road hazards. You need a solution built for truck drivers and with truck drivers in mind.

In the end, a truck driver workflow solution can play a significant role in shaping how a truck driver performs and whether they stay with their employer or not. Uninformed and cluttered layouts, communication delays and not being able to get the required information at the required time results in significant driver dissatisfaction.

The benefits of an all-in-one, customizable workflow solution improves operations, opens the way for greater efficiency, and provides drivers with the information they need in a way that is well-designed and easy to understand. Workflow solutions that embrace this combination of flexible customization and robust features can help you take your fleet into the future.

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