Quick Transport Solutions Inc.

What Are Trucking Industry Employers Looking For?

You’ve heard plenty about the truck driver shortage. And yes, it is still ongoing. This means that there are jobs out there for anyone looking for a fun, sable and potentially lucrative career in trucking. But do you know what to look for? As a professional truck driver, you would be the face of your … Read moreWhat Are Trucking Industry Employers Looking For?

An Intro Into Preventative Maintenance For Trucking Companies

Welcome to the introduction to what will be a long-running series here at the QuickTSI blog. We want to take a comprehensive look at preventative maintenance. Because in order for a safe and efficient operation to exist, fleet vehicles must be inspected and maintained on a regular basis. As a professional truck driver, a successful … Read moreAn Intro Into Preventative Maintenance For Trucking Companies

How To Effectively Audit Truck Drivers’ Logs

A false log found itself in the tenth spot out of the top twenty truck driver violations in 2015. By mid-December over 31,500 violations had been reported. Motor carriers are liable for false logs filled out by truck drivers. As such, they need to have the means and methods in place to detect violations. The … Read moreHow To Effectively Audit Truck Drivers’ Logs

Welcome To The Trucking Industry

Here at QuickTSI, we want to take a long term look at the basics of the trucking industry, how it is regulated, what sort of qualifications you must meet, and the various terms that you must understand if you want to get into the industry. This is going to be a long term project and … Read moreWelcome To The Trucking Industry

Understanding The First Two Factors In A DOT Audit

We’ve been spending some time lately covering certain regulatory requirements, from proper filings to preparing for a Department of Transportation (DOT) audit. Today we want to take some more time delving into DOT audits in greater detail. As we outlined before, if the DOT initiates an audit of your business, there are several factors they … Read moreUnderstanding The First Two Factors In A DOT Audit

About QuickTSI

QuickTSI is your one-stop-shop for everything you need to run your transportation and freight logistics business. Our website allows you to post loads or find trucks, post trucks or find loads, look up carrier profiles, view trucking companies, find truck driving jobs, and DOT medical examiners.

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Quick Transport Solutions, Inc.
11501 Dublin Blvd. Suite 200
Dublin, CA 94568

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