As long as transportation existed, logistic was a necessary tool. What goes where was the key question for any transportation operation, no matter if it included ox carts with a villager following road signs or newest long haul trucks equipped with GPS and other contemporary navigation methods. But somehow, the logistic part of the transportation often gets the back seat when we imagine this business. At best, we will picture a person in the office making calls and forwarding them to drivers in the field, doing work that is similar to an old fashion telephone switchboard operator. At worst, we might imagine a guy in some crummy basement organizing shifts for his drivers and doing next to nothing.
But, the reality is quite different. The logistics of every operation in the world are becoming more and more important. Trucking logistics may just be one of those professional fields that will experience a phenomenal growth in the years to come, and it will produce new job openings and bigger incomes.
In today’s world, a business that is run efficiently is a business that survives and thrives. The days of cheap fuel are long gone, and the future brings the prospect of a similar trend; energy that is needed for transport will become more expensive, and automatically the costs of trucking companies will rise. Now imagine a logistic officer in charge of a team that is able to streamline trucking routs and bring a decrease in fuel consumption for, let’s say, 5% on a monthly base. This meager 5% could pay the salaries for the entire team and still save extra money for the business. In this scenario, a top-notch logistic team is not an added bonus; it’s an indispensable part of the operation. Also, have in mind that lower fuel consumption means a smaller carbon footprint, which in turn means good news for the environment and the wider community.
And this is not some distant future. Countries like Germany, where significant public and corporate awareness of environmental issues, combined with a great appreciation of efficiency already gave rise to a big number of logistics companies. These small businesses, usually operated by a single digit group of people get hired as consultants for other, bigger companies that want a more productive transportation process. With the modern communication technologies like GPS tracking, computer models of traffic congestion and road accessibility predictions, the job of trucking logistics becomes a very desirable option for a stable employment in the transportation industry.
The best thing about this job opportunity is the fact that great logistics require not only a solid education, but more importantly, a dedicated and analytically oriented mind. This work asks for patience and the ability to follow leads and see where they take you. Trucking logistics may involve interviewing the drives to understand their habits and get their opinions, or it may include long hours of checking traffic information and then testing different models to find those that will give the best results. In any case, trucking logistics demands dedication and hard work.
If you are ready to give exactly that, think about a career in trucking logistics. It may be the perfect job in the trucking business of the future.