With all the talk of smart highways and autonomous trucks, some of us forget how truly advanced the modern shop has become. We’ve come a long way from the days of static tools and dumb (paper) communication. Today, multi-use tools – in both hard and software – combine with wireless technologies to make the shop of today almost unrecognizable from the shop of yesterday.
In this two-part series, we are going to take a look at what makes up a “connected shop.” From the shop’s software to the back office enterprise system, how are today’s shops changing the communication game?
How it Breaks Down
There are a number of ways the shop of today stays connected.
- Between the technician on the floor and online repair manuals;
- Between shop software and OEM or dealers’ systems;
- Between the shop software and the back office system;
- Between the shop and the vehicles, themselves.
In many ways a connected shop is analogous to the connected fleet. It is merely an extension of a system already put into place. These are systems where multiple pieces of software and hardware communicate and a number of different people or operations share the same data.
In many ways, this brave new shop world is a reflection of the Internet of Things (IoT). Sensors in a truck interact with systems at fleet headquarters or the dealership, and this completes the cycle of inanimate machines using the internet to communicate with each other.
The benefits of these connections are manifested in a number of ways. The first, and one of the most important, benefits is the amount of data that each of these IoT devices produces. Today’s fleet manager or technician can analyze the data each of these devices produces to find specific patterns. This leads to a more efficient operation and a better way to spec vehicles.
Bye, Bye Paper
The fact is, most modern connected shops have been able to practically rid themselves of paper altogether. Almost everything is available online, whether through a web portal or through a fleet’s maintenance or enterprise system. Everything from repair manuals to parts catalogs and diagnostics information can all be found on the technician’s computer, tablet or handheld device.
All a technician needs to do is scan a vehicle’s VIN and they can find out everything they need to know, from warranty and service history to mileage and driver vehicle inspection reports. For today’s fleet technician or maintenance manager, their fleet-issued Wi-Fi-enabled laptop is the most important tool they have in their arsenal. No longer is it just the sales force or executive manager working with a fleet issued computer.
With the availability of vast databases and complex analytical tools, there is no more need to print out service records or hold on to a vast physical library of manuals or service information. It’s not just the back office that’s gone paperless in the fleets of today.
Diagnostics Software
It’s well-known that comprehensive maintenance software helps a fleet manage all of their assets for the most effective utilization. By using software, fleet managers can track downtime and look at cost trends and manage work orders.
Managing work orders also becomes easier through higher levels of efficiency. Fleets can more effectively drive the process behind addressing a faulty equipment alert. Cause and correction are quickly addressed and the equipment is put back into service far faster than would have otherwise been the case.
Modern fleet technicians have also become adept at working with complex tools and diagnostics software. In the 21st Century Shop, using diagnostics software is almost as commonplace as having a 9/16 wrench in your toolbox.
Still, there’s a lot more to the connected shop of today than software and technical aptitude. From trucks and telematics to data-driven maintenance, join us in Part II of our series when we round out what makes up today’s connected shops.